Nsolo Bush Camp

South Luangwa National Park

The Luwi river system (where Nsolo Camp is situated) is renowned for its lion population. Various pride territories overlap in this area and the cats use the dry river bed as a thoroughfare and a means not only of locating their prey, which come to drink, but also of locating their rivals who must be warned to stay away. Nsolo has four very spacious chalets built on raised wooden decks with grass and reed walls and large open air en-suite bathrooms. Each chalet is set under the shade of evergreen trees with private verandas overlooking the surrounding bush and waterholes in the Luwi River. The chalets are individually designed, extremely comfortable yet rustic and simple. On the banks of the Luwi river is an open sided, shady chitenje loungeewith bush bar and dining area that offer a peaceful refuge. Here, you can study the camps collection of books or watch a variety of game visiting the permanent pools of water in the Luwi riverbed. The rooms are generally spacious, each containing two three-quarter or one king-sized bed. Additional beds for children can be added. There is wardrobe and shelving storage available in the rooms. The private open-air en-suite bathrooms have plenty of hot water, towels and toiletries. After dark, a member of staff will accompany you to and from your room, lighting the way and watching out for local wildlife.

Reasons we love Nsolo Bush Camp

  • A remote, luxury safari camp with many wonderful walking opportunities
  • Hosted and managed by one of the best guides in Zambia
  • Lion, leopard and the endangered wild dog are abundant in the area



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